Hero Gayab Mode On 18th January 2021 Written Episode Update

Hero Gayab Mode On 18th January 2021 Written Episode Update Starts here with Daksh gets information and next Zara goes the home and thinks about the incidents that happened at the place of robbery.

She is about to say to Shaanu but Shanu then says that Uncle gave them a paycheck and now they have money before the deadline which was given by the landlord. Zara calls her uncle and says thanks to him. Zara and Shanu feel happy.

Veer is trying to get a Superhero Costume and goes like a joker outside with a ring ON. He goes near the dog and asks it to bark or bite him then the dog runs after him. He scares at it and runs and falls.

Then he gets a call from Mamajii and He asks veer to come to the launch of Rocky and Zara. He goes there and chats with Bantu. Rocky and Zara do rehearsals for the launch.

Veer sees his ring is on the floor while they’re dancing he goes down and takes it which makes rocky fall down. Rocky sends away Veer. Veer and Zara feel sad.

Veer goes near the scientist and asks how his costume?. He says join in circus and laughs. Veer says yes I’m looking like Joker. Then he says really?.

He says you said when a fighter goes for fighting he needs Kawach. Scientist says you forgot everything You only said your Kawach is with Asur. Veer asks are your trying puzzle?

Scientist says it is like back from of book, secret lab. Veer says dad made armor? And feels great. Scientist says he is genius and I’m proud of my Junior. Veer then says what is the use of this costume then I will remove it.

The scientist asks him to stay here as doctors are giving him injection stuff like that. They emotionally talk with each other. Veer says he will send him to all places where he wants to go and asks him to make a list.

Hero Gayab Mode On 18th January 2021 Written Episode Update

Scientist says I think because of you I can live my life once again. Veer goes the scientist calls him Veer. Veer asks did you call me Veer? He says go carefully. Veer feels sad and goes.

Veer after going out thinks I need to go to the secret lab. Daksh gets a costume from his wrist and wears it and goes to the hospital. Veer Stumbles with Daksh. Daksh feels like the ring is near him.

Shukracharya says I have created a puzzle which is very tough to solve after the war happened in Asur, But to shockingly it was solved by a man who lives on earth and shown Mumbai – 2005.

Amal is trying to solve something and sees a puzzle on his computer and cracks the puzzle. Shukracharya says now the ring holder got the 1 power if he gets 2 one too then it would be difficult for us to get back the ring or fought with him. a scientist notices some and asks if he was veer. Then it is shown as Daksh.

Hero Gayab Mode On 18th January 2021 Written Episode Update ends here.

Precap: Daksh gets information about Amal from the head of the scientist. Veer runs to the room of scientists.

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