Hero Gayab Mode On 12th January 2021 Written Episode Update

Hero Gayab Mode On 12th January 2021 Written Episode Update Starts with A dog barks at Veer and climbs on him.

All people arrive and see as the dog has stopped the car, they think the dog is God. Police arrive and Veer drops down the car and thinks at least the theft has not happened.

Veer is in pain and he was thirsty. He gets a call from Bantu. He says that he missed Bantu. Bantu tells Zara is waiting for him.

Veer says tell her to meet at City style cafe and suddenly his phone is switched off. Bantu says to Shaanu the address of the location.

At home, Zara shouts at a caller saying she will return the money and cuts the call saying creep. Shaanu says Veer is waiting at the cafe and you should go.

Shaanu lies about Veer that he is feeling Sorry about the AD so that Zara goes there and says the importance of AD. Zara goes.

Veer drinks water and goes inside the cafe and drinks everyone’s water. Zara calls him and he goes there and they both ask each other why they want to meet each other.

Hero Gayab Mode On 12th January 2021 Written Episode Update

Zara thinks why he is watching her like that. He says he is thirsty. She says him disgusting and scolds him. Veer falls in Zara’s arms. He talks to Zara romantically he slips and hugs her.

Veer gets up in the hospital and sees Zara. He says again she came in dreams and says please anyone say it is not a dream. Zara pinches him and says it’s true. Veer asks him you’re true then where am I?.

Zara shows and he shouts here?. Zara says you talked into my blue eyes and landed there. Did he ask the truth? She says yes!.and says you fainted. Does he ask I fainted? Where? When? why?. Why can’t I remember anything!.

Zara gets a phone call. Then on TV, they show that the dog has stopped the thief’s van. Veer remembers FB and struggles in pain. Zara asks him why do you want to meet me?. Does Veer say I have work with you? What is it?.

Zara asks him angrily you called me and asking what work? She says if you’re not admitted then I will do something to make you hospitalized. He says to Zara he needs to go somewhere.

The nurse comes and says he needs an injection. He scares about injections. Zara turns and the nurse gives an injection on the veer’s butt. And he catches Zara’s hand. she calms him down. Again there show a video of the dog.

Zara gets scared remembering about Aliens. Veer says to Zara he needs to go and Zara says then it’s okay and go. He goes.

Hero Gayab Mode On Today Update

Bantu comes and cries without seeing. Zara says he is fine and he left. Bantu says it’s not right!. Zara says don’t you know the important work then he says he knows and thinks he is up to something and goes. Zara goes away.

Veer goes to the Scientist room and gets the call from Sweetie. Sweetie cries and asks him to come home. Veer goes home and sees both his sisters are badly hurt and asks him what happened.

FB shows how Ammiji makes them both stand in sun with catching weights. He treats to wound. They ask him why should we live here and we will go from here somewhere far from here.

Veer says I know they’re doing unfair but they are family. Veer explains how Mamaji Treats him as a family. Veer says I need to find Papa First.

Hero Gayab Mode On 12th January 2021 Written Episode Update Ends here.

Precap: Veer asks the scientist where is his father. Scientist says Aliens and the doctor is listening to this conversation.

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